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January 10 2025, 10:58am - December 15, 10:58am

Course in Spiritual Accompaniment

The Norwich Centre

This journey into Soul and Spiritual Accompaniment is an immersive, experiential course ~ open to people of all faiths and none, who wish to explore their own Soul journey and how best to 'walk' alongside others.
     ~ Inspired and informed by teachings from East and West
     ~ Underpinned by the Person Centred Approach to Counselling
     ~ Embedded in our Interconnectedness with the Natural World

In a safe space we will explore the key passages of life and how Soul, Spirit, Nature and the Imaginal can enliven and inspire. 

The Course Programme will be delivered in a variety of ways ~ presentations, discussion, experiential and creative exercises, and will incorporate meditation and movement practices, art, music and poetry.

When & Where: 6 weekend gatherings at the Norwich Centre between January and December 2025, and one 4-day residential at Othona Bradwell Community in Essex, taking advantage of the semi-wild surroundings and the coastal setting.

The Course Programme will be delivered in a variety of ways ~ presentations, discussion, experiential and creative exercises, and will incorporate meditation and movement practices, art, music and poetry.

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Last updated: 14 September 2024