Nottingham Counselling Service
Kent St· Notts· NG1 3LZ· East Midlands
At Nottingham Counselling Service we have been a leading provider of counselling placements in the voluntary and community sector for many years. If you're currently studying towards a counselling qualification, whether it's a diploma, a degree, or a masters, we would love to help you.
We work in partnership with a wide range of academic institutions to provide:
- Placements
- Practice and experience
- Supervision
- Mentoring
- Development
New students joining Nottingham Counselling Service on a counselling placement will be required to make a two-year commitment. Attendance at supervision is mandatory and the total commitment counsellors will be asked to make is eight hours per week, which will take into account both client work and supervision requirements.CostStudents are expected to make a financial contribution of £65 per month towards the cost of their support and development, payable by monthly standing order.If you have further questions about completing your placement with Nottingham Counselling Service please get in contact by calling our admin team on 01159501743Please note that we do not take trainees on first year placements The Counselling Service offers placements of twenty four months or more. Trainees would normally be expected to take on three clients to be seen weekly. If the trainee does not complete the required numbers of client hours in twenty four months the placement will continue on a contribution basis. During the placement, trainees will receive individual supervision for an hour a month, and group supervision for one and a half hours twice a month. Currently “Supervision Groups” meet on Monday and Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. Trainees would need to be able to attend a group regularly at one of theses times. Individual supervision can usually be arranged on a flexible basis. Trainees can also attend our in-house training events as available. The placement contribution of £60 per month covers all the above supervision and administration support. This cost is borne by the students themselves, travel expenses are also the responsibility of the student.How to apply? apply via this web page
All year entry?Yes
Closing date
Number of spacesopen-ended
How many spaces?
Supervision provided?Yes
Requires membership of an ethical body?No
Which ethical body?
Exclusions allowed under the Equality Act?
Number of hours each weekThree clients per week
Wheelchair accessible?N/A
Nottingham Counselling Service
Kent St