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The constitution of tPCA seeks to be inclusive, anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive and tPCA recognises the value and the human rights of all people, regardless of culture, religious affiliation, ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, financial or social standing, educational attainment or special needs.  To this end, the tPCA is committed to broadening access to conferences by offering a financial contribution (bursary) to support the attendance of people who otherwise could not afford to attend. The aim is to provide three bursaries per conference.

2. Scope 
This policy applies to anyone wishing to attend any tPCA conference, who may not be able to attend due to their financial circumstance. 

3. Resources for the Bursary Fund
3.1 The Bursary Fund is a restricted fund created by donations from members and fundraising activities.  Monies left over in the bursary fund at the end of the financial year will contribute towards the Bursary Fund in the following financial year. 

3.2 The Bursary Fund offering will be subject to an annual review,  by the Trustees, and consideration will be made of  the  number of conferences being offered that year and the amount in the Fund.    Whenever possible the Trustees will try to offer three bursaries for each event, with two being for tPCA members only. In the case of insufficient funds, the Trustees may increase the fund using central income or may reduce the number of bursaries to two for members only or the amount of each bursary.

4.  Requesting a Bursary
4.1 Bursaries will be advertised in the conference information on the Events section of  tPCA website.  Requests for bursaries will not be accepted prior to this announcement. 

4.2 Requests for a bursary should be submitted  by email to tPCA Administrator (  The email must state the conference that the applicant would like the bursary for.  Applicants are not required to explain why they need to apply to the fund. The tPCA trusts that people apply for the bursary due to personal financial limitations.   The administrator will reply within 14 days of the application. 

4.3 The bursaries are issued on a first come first served basis.  If a bursary is available, it will be granted. If all bursaries have been allocated,  the applicant will be informed that they have not been successful in obtaining a bursary on this occasion. 

4.4  A successful applicant will not be considered for a bursary for another conference in the same financial year or any conference in the next financial  year. 



Policies will be reviewed every two years or when changes in practice or legislation require incorporation into existing policies.    If the next review date has expired and the policy has not yet been updated, this version of the policy is still applicable. 

Agreed by Trustee Group  11/6/23
Date of last review  3/11/24
Date for next  review   3/11/28